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Leed Members

Leed Members

Robert McPherson

Robert McPherson is a news editor and strategist at CryptoLeed. He has been in trading and analyzing financial market from last decade. Before getting into cryptocurrencies, he has written news articles and technical analysis on global financial market. He also provides weekly analysis on leading cryptocurrencies analysis and trade alerts.
Kevin Hermann

Kevin Hermann joined CryptoLeed as a cryptocurrency market professional with over 5 years of experience in writing, analyzing and advising on trades and digital currencies. He began to study Forex and trading techniques since 2001. During his entire his career, he worked as a writer, analyst, advisor as well as market analyst at major corporate firms.
John Stewart

John Stewart is a cryptocurrency author and analyst, currently news editor in CryptoLeed. He has a strong technical skills for analysis of cryptocurrencies. And so, he always helps our team to obtain quality analysis articles for each cryptocurrency. He also has been researching and writing about the Blockchain technology.
Tina Hamilton

Tina Hamilton is a full-time journalist at CryptoLeed with a year long experience in cryptos and trading. She has passion for writing for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. She strongly believes that blockchain is revolutionary technology and it's use cases will help us to advance our future.
George McNabb

George McNabb holds graduate degree in journalism and social communication and currently working as a full-time journalist at CryptoLeed. He is fascinated by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. His passion for digital coin currencies has led him to our news section. He daily provides latest news and trends of crypto world and curates informative articles.