Overstock’s Blockchain Subsidiary, Medici Acquires Stake in Blockchain Banking Startup

6 years ago

Medici Ventures is a blockchain subsidiary of the retail giant Overstock.com, Inc. It has acquired a 5.1 percent equity stake…

Jay Clayton, the Chairman At U.S. SEC Remarked Ether Is No Longer A Security

6 years ago

The chairman at the United States Securities and Exchanges Commission, Jay Clayton remarked that Ethereum (ETH) and similar cryptocurrencies do…

Ripple’s Xpring and Forte Launch $100 Million Fund To Support Game Developers

6 years ago

The developer ecosystem project of Ripple, Xpring along with Forte (game industry blockchain platform) have partnered to establish funding of…

Swiss Stock Exchange to List XRP Exchange-Traded Investment Product

6 years ago

The primary stock exchange of Switzerland, SIX will reportedly launch another cryptocurrency-based exchange-traded product (ETP) for XRP (the third largest…

Dubai Real Estate Giant & Owner of Burj Khalifa, Emaar Plans To Launch ETH Token

6 years ago

Emaar is the largest real estate company in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai-based real estate giant Emaar is best known…

Barclays Analyst Predicted That Facebook Coin Will Generate Billions Of Additional Revenue By 2021

6 years ago

Ross Sandler, the internet analyst at Barclays wrote a client note that Facebook if launches a cryptocurrency can generate a…

Vitalik Buterin, The Ethereum Creator Proposed Wallet Gas Fee for Transactions To Fund Developer

6 years ago

The creator of the ethereum blockchain project, Vitalik Buterin proposed a gas fee for users on the network for the…

IBM Partners With US Credit Union Group (CUSO CULedger) To Develop Hyperledger Blockchain Solutions

6 years ago

A consortium of U.S. credit unions, CU Ledger have been exploring a wide range of private blockchains and has recently…

U.S Investment Firm Invesco Has Launched A Blockchain ETF On London Stock Exchange

6 years ago

Invesco is a United States-based investment management company has launched a blockchain exchange-traded fund (ETF) on London Stock Exchange (LSEG)…

US State of Connecticut To Legalize Blockchain Smart Contracts

6 years ago

A committee of the Connecticut state legislature will soon legalize the use of blockchain smart contracts in commerce conducted or…